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Advice for Completing Your Platinum ICV

Completing the ICV sections of your Platinum Award can be quite daunting, so let’s go through it step by step and get you on the right track.


So you have completed your Bronze D of E – you did your expedition – and submitted lots of great evidence for your Skills, Volunteering and Physical , well done you!! A big pat on the back!

You also have six nights away that you haven’t used in other parts of the award – four of those nights were camping.

So what is next? Lets look at what you need to do for the Platinum Award. Take a look at the ICV list and start to make a plan of what you are going to do next.

If you need to run an activity in a section you are a young leader in, have a chat with the leaders so they can support you and incorporate in the program.

Feels overwhelming? That’s understandable – Platinum is a top award so it should be a challenge – but it is achievable. Remember!! if you need some guidance – chat to one of us unit leaders. We have been around the block a bit so can help kick around some ideas and help formulate a plan.

You have selected the two activities and got a plan so - lets get started!

This is YOUR award so you need to explain and provide lots of evidence of what YOU did. You should be aiming for your evidence to include the following.

  • Talking about what you did
  • How you planned the activity
  • Where you sourced your idea/plan from eg: scouts.org , pinterest, imagination etc
  • Take lots of photos – they will help you. Either take them yourself or ask a leader to. Make sure you let your leader know incase there are young people who can not be photographed. Photos can also be of any crafts created and of you!
  • Evaluation. What happened? Include lots of details!
  • Reflection – how did it go?

Write everything down and keep it stored safe – if you later want to work towards the Kings Scout Award you will need to do a presentation of everything you did so it is easier if you have a record to refer back to.

Remember! if you need a hand writing things down or you are stuck for what to say – bring it in to explorers we can help you prepare it!

When you have completed the activity and written it all down and you can upload it to via the portal on the awards portal https://explorers.hfdscouts.org.uk/ awards-unit/awards-portal

Select the two activities that you completed.

Top tip – have more photos and evidence then don’t be shy!! email it all in to desc@hfdscouts.org.uk

Click here to see an example of a good submission