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Do you have a waitng list?

No and hopefully we never will.Waiting lists are not something to be proud of. Because Explorers take much more control of thier own program and the requirments on adult to child ratios aren't as demanding there is no real justification for having a waiting list

How much does it cost and why?

  • There is a subscription fee (Subs) of £45 per term
  • Camps and trips are charged extra, costs vary depending on what is beeing offered. We always try to offer some low cost camps at below £5
  • Uniform is an inital cost, you don't need to buy it before you start. A shirt and neckerchief purchased new will be around £35

The Unit recieves no government or local authority funding, it is entirely volunteer run and no one takes a salary. About 50% of the Subs payments cover a yearly membership fee to our national HQ that pays for insurance, and maintaining things like the full time safety and safeguarding teams. The remaining amount funds the weekly programme including venue hire and equipment renewal.

I've never been involved in Scouting before, is that a problem?

Absolutely not. Over the years some of our most commited Explorers have come from a non-scouting background

How do I Join?

Simply send us an email with your details and the young person's date of birth and we'll get the ball rolling